Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Author Study- Robert Munsch

This tagxedo is books that are written by Robert Munsch.  The shape of it is of the author. 
       I chose to do my author study on Robert Munsch because this was my favorite author throughout Elementary and Middle School.  I struggled with finding books that I actually enjoyed to read.  I was first introduced to him with his book, “Love You Forever” at a time where I was dealing with some family issues in second grade.  This book was so realistic and I felt like I connected to it.  His books are written to a young audience.  He uses funny words and gets his inspiration from students he sees at schools.  Robert Munsch theme is the same throughout his books.  He is always silly, funny, and creative.

Robert Munsch was born on June 11, 1945 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and grew up in a family of 9 kids.  Roberts’s parents blame his strangeness on their son who punched Robert in the face the day after he got his braces and knocked him out.  Robert almost flunked every grade in elementary and middle school but they kept passing him to the next grade because his younger brother was extremely smart and the school did not want the two boys in the same grade.  By the time Robert finished the 8th grade, he was still using his fingers to add math problems. The only thing that Robert did well was write funny and silly poetry, but nobody around him saw that as important.  During his high school years, Robert decided to become a Jesuit priest which he actually tried and practiced for 7 years.  This did not turn out in his favor so he decided to work in a daycare until he could figure out what he wanted to do. While Robert was working with the children, he realized that this is what he really enjoyed.  Robert then went to college to receive a degree in child studies, and that is when he wrote his first book during his teaching placement.  This book, Mortimer, took twelve years to publish.
However, Robert was diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive and manic-depressive which have led to some big mistakes. Robert worked hard to overcome these problems.  Robert even attended a twelve-step recovery meeting for more than 25 years.  These mental health and addiction problems are not a secret to his friends and family which have been a big support to him over the years.  “I hope that others will also understand. I hope that everyone will talk to their kids honestly, listen to them, and help them do their best with their own challenges.”

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